Page 3 - EA_Class-2020
P. 3

Q. What is that?

               A. A grip.

               Q. Of what?

               A. Of an Entered Apprentice Mason.

               Q. Has it a name?

               A. It has.

               Q. Will you give it me?

               A. I did not so receive it, neither will I so impart it.

               Q. How will you dispose of it?

               A. I will letter it or halve it.

               Q. Letter it, and begin.

               A. No, you begin.

               Q. Begin you. (Some say, No, you begin.)

               A. A.

               Q. B.

               A. O.

               Q. Z.

               A. Bo.

               Q. Az.

               A. Boaz.

               Q. Where were you first prepared to be made a Mason?

               A. In my heart.
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